Will our Kids Just Consume Technology or Reimagine it?
Episode 14
Deborah Carter
“If you just keep giving them the practice of how to evaluate technology. And you do it early, I think that, that will create a digital citizenry that is so different from what we have now.”
Deborah Carter is an education entrepreneur. She is Founder and Business Director of New Tech Kids and more recently, Managing Director and Initiator of Preparation Tech. Both enterprises share the aim of transforming children from passive technology users into tech builders and creators - making sure they are ready to be more than tech consumers, applying technology to shape the future.
Deborah made the leap into entrepreneurship in 2014 when she started New Tech Kids, an Amsterdam-based academy for after-school technology education. Since the lockdown, she has been creating content to educate adult influencers - those who play a role in helping kids move through education and make study choices. The Preparation Tech platform uses storytelling from diverse voices to showcase a wide variety of study, training and career paths that intersect with technology.
In this episode, I spoke with Deborah about the importance of mindsets and role models to imagine what futures are possible; and about the evolution of education and the possibilities of following a non-linear path. Deborah gives tips on how to inspire kids to not only consume, but to start developing technology and why you can’t start early enough when it comes to talking about ethics and tech.
UN Sustainable Development Goal#4
Quality Education
Afropean: Notes from Black Europe | Johnny Pitts
Proper mindset is the foundation
What is New Tech Kids and what is their approach to teaching kids technology? {00:14}
Why was Deborah Carter, the founder of New Tech Kids, concerned about how most kids are learning about technology nowadays, and the opportunity to do things differently? {2:14}
While technical skills and knowledge are important, Deborah speaks about the role of mindset development for kids to prepare them for the future. {3:10}
According to Deborah, what is mindset and how can a growth mindset aid your personal development? {5:11}
Besides mindset, Deborah touches on other direct contributors to inspire kids, like parents, teachers and role models. {7:07}
Deborah elaborates on how everyone fits somewhere on the technology spectrum and how they teach kids where and how to fit. {15:06}
The evolution of education and the importance of following a non-linear path
Asked on 21st century skills to have, Deborah stresses on the importance of critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork and communication. {16:59}
When questioned on Quality Education, Deborah provides an example of a school dropout who has become a successful 3D designer with the help of Youtube tutorials {18:42}
Deborah shares the struggles of her single mother to raise up her kids in a foreign country, and the mentality she instilled onto her kids. {21:11}
Deborah speaks of the importance of cultivating the skill to deviate from the ‘traditional path’, and how she conveys this philosophy to her son by taking him to business trips/meetings. {24:27}
How to inspire kids about tech
Kids need to be taught a hacker’s mindset, and how not to purely consume technology but rather how to build technology {35:02}
Deborah elaborates on the role of ethics within the space of technology and their framework to teaching kids ethics. {39:32}
As a parent, Deborah shares what you can do to help your kid(s) by understanding what are their passions and how to link technology to them. {41:38}
Download the Impossible Planet-Centric Design Toolkit: and Impossible PCD Methodology
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals │ United Nations
Preparation Tech – Series of interviews hosted by Deborah Carter from technologists to inspire future generations
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success | Carol Dweck
Developing a growth mindset - video lecture | Carol Dweck
Lizzo | American singer and Rapper
Miral Kotb | Founder of iLuminate
Pablos Holman | Hacker, inventor and technology futurist
Deborah Carter
New Tech Kids