Rewriting The Money Narrative To Include Everyone

Ismail Chaib, TESOBE /Open Bank Project
“Money is a story…a social fiction…a very useful social fiction. I think it’s good but like any social fiction it can be re-written”
Tessa continues the conversation during the Corona lockdown, this time with global community builder and FinTech entrepreneur Ismail Chaib.
Ismail is COO for TESOBE the Berlin-based company behind the Open Bank Project, an open source API platform that connects banks with active communities of developers and partners for innovation. But as 1,7 billion people worldwide are excluded from the benefits and entitlements provided by access to a bank account, Ismail talks about how money is in essence a social fiction that can and needs to be rewritten to include everyone and address poverty worldwide. Open banking is one way to start accelerating financial inclusion, rolling out universal basic income could be a second.
UN Sustainable Development Goal #1
No Poverty
Deborah Carter
New Tech Kids